This article describes effective strategies to search for prior art references for an invention.
The Problem With Provisionals: Part 3
Part 3 describes the best uses for provisional patent applications. Specific business interests and preventing statutory bars to receiving a patent are the key reasons to seek a provisional patent application.
The Problem With Provisionals: Part 2
Part 2 details the common pitfalls with provisional patent applications. If an inventor makes a mistake, it could cost them the rights to their patent.
The Problem With Provisionals: Part 1
Part 1 describes the rights provided by provisional patent applications. Basically, a provisional patent application is purchasing the right to stand in line.
Still Stuck with Alice
Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank shook patent practitioners’ understanding of what inventions are patent eligible. This article reviews the status of how computer-related inventions are faring under the Alice framework almost 4 years later.